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Together For Seniors Video Series

Connecting Rhode Island’s older adult population to resources they need to stay connected to their communities, with host Meghan Grady, Meals on Wheels of RI Executive Director.

Watch our interview with Webster Bank Senior Vice President Xaykham Khamsyvoravong.

Watch our interview with Leanna Moran, Managing Director of the Duals Market at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Rhode Island. 

Watch our interview with Senior Vice President & General Manager of Commonwealth Care Alliance and Meals on Wheels of RI Board Chairman Corey McCarty.

Watch our interview with Dr. Nadia Mujahid of Brown Medicine’s Division of Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine who shares how telemedicine is being used to improve geriatric care.

Watch our interview with Scott Volkswagen President Brad Scott.

Watch our interview with Phanida Phivilay, Senior Community Outreach Representative, UnitedHealthcare & MOWRI Board Member to learn about UHC’s community involvement to address health disparities that can prevent Rhode Islanders from living their healthiest lives.